Letter from Kim 3/1/23
Dear Readers,
There is NOTHING like announcing your next book is published! Trust me, telling readers a book is in progress doesn’t compare. I have been writing but with interruptions the progress has been slow.
Our family owns and operates a Christmas Tree Farm, and 2016 we began construction on a Lodge wedding venue on our property. We DID build it, and we DO host weddings now in our off season. We now have four seasons of experience booking and hosting weddings under our belt. I continued to work on Walk of the Gemini by investing time whenever possible. Because of my comittment to our family businesses, it was a long process to publication this time.
Thank you to my publisher Personal Chapters for your expertise and guidance. My book projects (title change included un-publishing and republishing one of the books, and publication of a brand new book and new series) came down the funnel all at once. I was wondering if she might accidentally lose my number, but she never did! My editor Anne is a gem, and I am pleased to call her friend. Thank you so much. Thank you to my beta readers, their early reading is just another part of the process and I am so grateful. Thank you Winnie, Keli, Miranda, Jacob, Robert, and Mikaela. Keli is my oldest daughter and is always the first to read the rough and raw manuscript and she does it with incredible enthusiasm. Mikaela is the youngest daughter and was forced to cover her ears for three years so she wouldn’t know what really happened to Tom! Thank you for your patience M. and for your initial read and feedback. Thank you to husband Bob who encouraged me toward the makeover to my original series and to Nick of NL Creators for bringing my book covers ideas to life. Nick is also the designer of my new website and the mastermind behind my new marketing push. His attention to detail and his belief in my work has taken the entirety of my collective works to a new level. Thank you, my son, working with you has made me so proud. To his wife Amy who supported Nick and the time he gave to this project, thank you for that time. And although I mentioned Bob my husband, just let me say . . . it is not easy to live with someone who eats, drinks and sleeps storylines and all things literary. His listening ears are more precious than gold to me, he supports me in every way. I’m endlessly grateful for the gifts of these people and thank God every single day. When in doubt, follow your dreams, they know the way!
My passion will always be writing, my true love. If I am not writing a story I am reading a story, or dreaming of writing one! I hope you have something you love to do, and can do it often. I am planning some travel with my books, maybe I will be in your region this year. I present my books in libraries, schools and bookstores and with private groups. I talk about the creative process to encourage others. When sharing with kids, I bring Ollie the mouse and his “boot” house. If you use Facebook, please consider following my page Kim Luke Author. Thank you for reading, leaving reviews and sharing my work with others. Humbly, Kim